I woke my Mother up early because I
wanted to enter the world. This is our
first photo together.
Dad and Me at the hospital early in the
morning before he had a chance to
 shower and shave.
Dad and Me in the hospital after
he has had the chance to go home,
shower, and shave. He may look
different but I could tell it was him
by the sound his voice.
My very first bath. I HATE IT!!!!
I screamed and cried and just didn't
want to get wet; however, I was dirty and
 sticky all over and needed to be bathed.
I still Hated it!!!!
My entrance into the Church.
Here I am at my baptism.
I would meet Father again
as soon as I went away to college.
My cousin and I at my grandparents
house. We were her grandbabies and
grandma loved to spoil and watch us.
By the age of three months
I had gotten over my hate/fear
of water. I then LOVED to take
baths. I just loved to splash
and get mommy and daddy all wet. 
Giddy Up Daddy! I love to play horse.
 I would crawl onto daddy's  back and
give him the spurs and get a free ride.
If it wasn't horse, it was pretending
I was an airplane.
My first Christmas and meeting with
Santa. It was only later that I realized
that Santa looked allot like my uncle.
But since I was a good girl, I got a
Teddy Bear from Santa.
My first formal dance. Surprising my
first dance was with a man that
look sort of like Santa Clause.
I wonder if they could be related?
Dad and I playing in the snow.
I think I was trying to dig my way to
China. Dad was nice enough to
stop and dig with me.
My first snow ride. Since I didn't have a
sled yet, my first snow ride was on the
shovel dad was using to scoop the drive.
Here I am at my
first birthday. I loved corn on the
cob (I Still do). I was really messy
and got most of it on me instead
of in me, but I enjoyed it anyway.
Here I am shortly after eating my birthday cake.  I am standing
and trying to push my lawn mower
around like Daddy did. Sometimes I
would wobble and fall, but I was
practicing so I could help Daddy.
I'm a big girl now. I decided that daddy wasn't vacuuming right. I had to step in hand give him a hand. It's like this Daddy. There's the star! That's what I was thinking as I pointed to the star after mommy had asked me "Where's the Star?"



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