Normal Development Rate

Jennifer's Development

Birth to 1 Month:

5-8 per day

20 hours per day

Sensory Abilities:
Lifts head briefly in Prone Position, some simple distinctions in vision, hearing, smelling tasting, touch, temperature, and pain.

Birth to 1 Month:

I was fed anytime I was hungry.  I had to drink special formula so I was hungry all the time.  I had trouble with projectile vomiting. My formula had rice cereal mixed in it at seven days old to help with my vomiting.

During my first month, I took naps in the morning and afternoon for 1-2 hours and then woke up in the night.  I would wake up hungry every hour during the night. 

Sensory Abilities:
At the end of first month, I was able to lift my head up on my own frequently, look at mother briefly, and reduce activity when talked to.

2 to 3 Months:

Cries, Coos, Grunts

Motor Ability:
controls eye, muscles, and lifts head when on stomach.

Sensory Abilities:
Color Perception, Visual and Oral investigation.

2 to 3 Months:

I cooed, chuckled, and squealed at two months.

Motor Ability:  
At 2 months I was able to hold my head up for a short while, hold a rattle in my hand, and have my eyes follow moving objects. I was also able to play with my fingers and toes.

I was able to stand with help at 2.5 months

Sensory Abilities:
At two months I started searching with my eyes for sounds I heard.

4 to 6 Months

Babbling, makes most vowels and about half of the consonants

Motor Ability
Control of head and arm movements, purposive grasping, rolls over. 

3-5 per day

4 to 6 Months

I talked to my toys spontaneously.
I imitated speech sounds.
I spoke my first word "dada" at 6 months and said it to my mother.

Motor Ability
I was able to roll over in bed, reach out for things, lift my head up and hold it steadily, sit up without help, tried to use a cup, and feed myself crackers. I could also hold my own bottle and bear some weight on my legs.

I sat alone at 4 months, started to crawling at 6 months, and stood by myself while holding on to things at 6 months.

I loved to bang two of my toys together.

Any time I was hungry.
I ate my first solid food of graham crackers at 6 months. I also tried to eat other solid foods with a spoon.


7 to 9 Months

Motor Abilities:
Control of trunks and hands, sits without support, crawls about


7 to 9 Months

Motor Abilities:
Continued to work on my standing by myself, my crawling, and sitting all by myself.

I said my first phrase "my dada" at the end of my 7th month

I got my first tooth on March 5, 1983. Daddy found it when I bit him in church.

10 to 12 Months

Motor Abilities:
Control of legs and feet, stands, creeps, apposition of thumb and fore-finger.

Says one or two words, imitates sounds, responds to simple commands.

3 meals, 2 snacks

12 hours at night, 2 naps

10 to 12 Months

Motor Abilities:
I was able to wave bye bye, could pick up tiny things like crumbs, could stand all myself, change from a prone position to a sitting position.
I loved to bang my spoon.

I was able to stoop and recover and I took my first steps with help at 11 months and continued to improve till I could walk pretty good by myself.

Continued to work on my limited vocabulary without meaning. I would call mom dada and dad mama.

Continued to try solid foods. Learned I really like ice-cream. I was messy but I could eat most foods by the end of my first year.

13 to 18 Months

Motor Abilities:
Likes to creep up stairs
Can walk for about 10-20 minutes
Makes lines on paper with crayon
Walks Backwards

Says three to six words, including names
Follows simple verbal commands


13 to 18 Months

Motor Abilities:
I would crawl up the stairs at my babysitters house. I also liked sliding down them, but I ended up getting rug burn.

I enjoyed taking walks with my parents.

I loved to color in books, on paper and even on the wall.

I continued to expand my vocabulary and try to communicate what I wanted to my parents.
I also got used to following commands such as follow me, stop that, and come here.

I loved to listen to daddy read me stories, I love to help him turn the page and look at the pictures. I could turn the page all by myself at 16 months

At 16 months, I was getting better at eating and I could handle my spoon very well

19 to 24 Months

Motor Abilities:
Runs about with ease
Kicks a ball
Builds a 6 cube tower
Potty Trained (24 Months)
Turns the Pages by self
Helps to Undress

Has a Vocabulary of more the 200 words

12 hours at night, 1-2 hr nap


19 to 24 Months

Motor Abilities:
I could throw a ball overhand at 16 months and kick a ball at 17 months.

I liked playing out on the swing set.

I was very obstinate when it came to potty training. Close to my second birthday, I decided to try and Mom says I was trained in 1 week.

I continued to build my vocabulary. Mom told me I had lots to words to learn yet.

I didn't like taking naps but I had to have at least one a day





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