Normal Development Rate

Jennifer's Development

Birth to 1 Month:
Generalized Tension

Birth to 1 Month:
I smiled responsively and reduced activity when talked to.

I hated bath time.

2 to 3 Months:
Smiles at Face

2 to 3 Months:
I loved to smile and coo when I was happy.

I cried whenever I was upset.

By the end of my third month, I loved taking baths.

4 to 6 Months:
Enjoys being cuddled
Coos when talked to

4 to 6 Months:
I loved cuddling with Daddy.
I loved to "talk" to my toys and anyone that would listen.
I loved to go swimming.

7 to 9 Months:
Specific emotional attachment to mother
Protests separation from mother

7 to 9 Months:
I really wasn't attached to my mother. I had been going to day care since I was about 17 days old.

10 to 12 Months:
Fear of Strangers
Curiosity, exploration

10 to 12 Months:
I showed my anger by throwing temper tantrums; however, my mother soon put an end to those.

I was very affectionate. I love to give hugs and kisses to everyone.

I wasn't scared of strangers, this could be because I got to meet a lot of teachers.

I was constantly getting into everything. Sometimes I would make my mother laugh, but other times I would make her angry

13 to 18 Months:
Dependent Behavior
Very Upset when separated from mother
Fear of Bath
Becomes attached to soft toy or object

13 to 18 Months:
I would bawl when mom had to go to work and leave me at the baby sitter's. 

I wasn't scared of the bath, in fact I loved to play in the tub with all my bath toys.

I loved my blankie and wouldn't go anywhere without it. 
19 to 24 Months:
Temper tantrums (1-3 yrs)
Resentment to new baby
19 to 24 Months:
I could throw a very good temper tantrum, but mom would threaten splashing me with cold water to "cool" me down. 

I could point to a couple of colors.



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