Normal Development Rate Jennifer's Development
Birth to 1 Month:
Fed by Mother
Birth to 1 Month:
Mom, Dad and my babysitter had to do everything for me
I wasn't really asocial, I was a very social baby.
I was fed from a bottle since day one.
2 to 3 Months:
Visually fixates at face
Smiles at face
May be soothed by rocking
2 to 3 Months:
I smiled in response to physical stimulation.
I loved to smile at anything.
I loved to be rocked to sleep.
4 to 6 Months:
Recognizes mother
Distinguishes between familiar persons and strangers,
No longer smiles indiscriminately
Expects feeing, dressing, and bathing
4 to 6 Months:
I recognized my mother as separate from self.
I turned my head to peoples voices.
I had more social reaction to everyone.
7 to 9 Months:
Enjoys "Peek-a-boo"
7 to 9 Months:
I loved playing Peek-a-boo.
I loved to wave at people.
I enjoyed the song "You are My Sunshine".
10 to 12 Months:
Responsive to own name.
Wave bye-bye.
Plays pat-a-cake
Understands "no-no!"
Gives and takes objects
10 to 12 Months:
I loved to wave and go bye-bye.
I understood what no meant (Well kind of anyway ;)
I understood what mom meant by "Bad".
I understood "Give to Me".
13 to 18 Months:
Obeys limited commands
Imitates others
Repeats a few words
Interested in mirror image
Feeds themselves
13 to 18 Months:
I was good at doing the opposite what I was told to do.
I loved to repeat animal sounds of my "See & Say".
I could feed myself but I wasn't very neat.
19 to 24 Months:
Does the opposite of what they are told to do
Enjoys helping out around the house
19 to 24 Months:
I still doing enjoyed doing opposite what I was told to do

I like to help with sweeping and the dishes.

I like being mom teacher's helper.




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