Middle to Late Childhood
Social  Development 

Normal Development Rate

Jennifer's  Development Rate

Six to Eight Years

Being with friends becomes increasingly important

Interested in rules and rituals

Girls want to play more with girls; boys with boys

May have a best friend and an enemy

Strong desire to perform well, do things right

Begins to see things from another child's point of view, but still very self-centered

Finds criticism or failure difficult to handle

Views things as black and white, right or wrong, wonderful or terrible, with very little middle ground

Seeks a sense of security in groups, organized play, and clubs

Generally enjoys caring for and playing with younger children

May become upset when behavior or school-work is ignored

Six to Eight Years

I found that friends were important to me, but I sometimes felt like sometimes they didn't like me. 
I liked to spend time with my girl friends at recess and after school.
Like a typical girl, I had fights with friends and then got back together.
I liked to do things right all the time.
I wanted to be the best and really didn't like it when I wasn't
I got involved in Girl Scouts.
I attended most events at school since mom and dad were teachers.
I spent lots of time with adults and my parents' friends.
I didn't like being criticized and it really hurt my feelings when somebody picked on me.
I liked to do well in school, but it was getting harder to do well since I was easily distracted.
I liked to be the leader which sometimes made my friends angry.
I became a big sister again when I was six and my sister Katie was born.
I spent a lot of time with my family including my little sisters.  I liked being big sister and being the boss.

Nine to Eleven Years

Begins to see parents and authority figures as fallible human beings

Rituals, rules, secret codes, and made-up languages are common

Enjoys being a member of a club

Increased interest in competitive sports

Outbursts of anger are less frequent

May belittle or defy adult authority


Nine to Eleven Years

I enjoyed talking on the phone to friends.
I felt like my parents didn't understand me or my friends.
I was still involved in Girl Scouts.
I was active in girls basketball with my classmates.
I learned that my mom and dad weren't perfect and they made mistakes, too.
I found that friends didn't like that I always wanted to be first.
I learned that I had attention deficit disorder and that it caused me to be impulsive.
I started taking medication for ADHD and it helped me get along better in the classroom and with my friends.
I knew if I got in trouble at school, my parents would find out right away and I would be in worse trouble at home.
I helped look out for my little sisters.



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