Normal Development Rate

Jennifer's  Development Rate

Two to Three Years

Social Development:
Solitary Play
Depends on Adults for guidance
Plays with dolls
Refers to themselves by name
Very immature socially
Little to no concept of others as people

Emotional Development
Very Self-centered
Beginning sense of personal identity/ belongs
Often Negative
Gets Frustrated Easily
Can't choose between alternatives
Enjoys physical affection
Resistive to change
More independent
More response to humor & distraction than discipline or reason

Two to Three Years

Social Development:
I like to play by myself but I would also parallel play with kids at the baby sitter's.
I had my special babies I liked to play with.
I liked to have my way being an only child.
I liked to play with my "friends" from the baby sitter's.

Emotional Development
I really didn't like to share very well.
I liked to play with Mom and Dad.
I liked to try to throw a temper tantrum if I didn't get my way.
I still was very attached to my "blankie".
I was my Mom's and Dad's special girl and I got lots of their time.


Three to Four Years

Social Development:
Parallel play
Enjoys being by others
Takes turns
Knows if he/she is a boy or a girl
Enjoys short non-challenging group activates
Likes to "Help" out
Responds to verbal guidance

Emotional Development
Likes to conform
Easy going attitude
Not so resistive to change
More secure
Greater sense of personal identity
Beginning to be adventuresome
Enjoys Music


Three to Four Years

Social Development:
I liked to go to the baby sitter's to play with my friends.
I learned how to take turns and share.
I got a new sister so I was Mommy's helper.
I liked to play games with my parents and friends.
I liked to spend time reading with mom and dad.

Emotional Development
When my baby sister Sarah came home, I got a new baby, too.
I was great at being Mommy's helper.  (Except I didn't like carrying dirty diapers!)
I could share Mommy and Daddy.
I liked watching my favorite learning videos.

Four to Five Years

Social Development:
Cooperative play
Enjoys other children's company
Highly Social
May play organized group games such as tag, duck-duck goose

Emotional Development
Seems sure of themselves
Out-of bounds behavior
Often negative
May be defiant
Seems to be testing themselves out
Needs controlled freedom

Four to Five Years

Social Development:
I was much better and playing with Jessica, my best friend.
I was very talkative and talked to everyone.
I liked going to the baby sitter's.
I went to preschool when I was five and we played lots of games there.
I have learned to share with my friends and my sister.
I really liked playing games including Candy Land.

Emotional Development
I didn't like it when I got picked on at preschool.
I liked to do things my way.
I knew my mom and dad loved me, but I didn't have as much time with them since Sarah came home.
I sometimes pouted when I didn't get my way.
I have learned that temper tantrums don't work with my mom.

Five to Six Years

Social Development:
Participates in highly cooperative play
Has "Special" friends
Has Imaginary friends
Very organized
Enjoys playing simple table games
Takes turns and observe rules
Feels pride in accomplishments
Eager to be responsible for something

Emotional Development
Well adjusted
Likes to associate with mother
May use some self-criticism
Enjoys responsibility
Enjoys following the rules


Five to Six Years

Social Development:
I attended kindergarten when I was six. 
I really liked play time at kindergarten so I could play with my friends.
I had to follow the school rules or the teacher would tell my parents.
I was good in kindergarten and shared with the other kids.
I liked going to school and bringing my papers home.

Emotional Development
I really liked learning new stuff at school.
I had friends I already knew in my class.
I liked to play school since my Mom was a teacher.
I was one of the smartest kids in my class.  I could read before I started kindergarten.
I was the only one in my family going to Toronto to school.
Sometimes, I felt like kids didn't like me and I didn't have any friends.


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Early Childhood