Normal Development Rate

Jennifer's  Development Rate

Two to Three Years

Motor Ability:
Jumps off a step
Rides a tricycle
Uses crayons
Builds a 9-10 cube tower

Two to Three Years

Motor Ability:
I got my first trike and rode it at age two. 
I rode my Hot Wheels at the age of three. 
I loved drawing and coloring on everything.
My blocks were some of my favorite toys along with my duplo blocks.

Three to Four Years

Motor Ability:
Stand on one leg
Jumps up and down
Draws a circle and a cross (4 years)
Can do stuff at home by themselves
Unbutton and buttons
Pours from Pitcher

Three to Four Years

Motor Ability:
I liked to play school and could start to write my name by four.
I was active and was constantly in motion.
I was "Mommy's" helper with my new little sister.
I could feed myself and was pretty neat.
I could dress and undress myself including buttons and zippers, but I still have trouble with tie shoes.

Four to Five Years

Motor Ability:
Can control most movements
Broad jumps
Dresses themselves completely
Copies a triangle & square completely
Can catch a bounced ball

Four to Five Years

Motor Ability:
I'm still in constant motion.  I have trouble sitting still.
I can not put on my own coat and boots.
I can write my name.
I am catching and throwing for "T ball".
I have my first big bike.

Five to Six Years

Motor Ability:
Good balance
Rides wagon and scooter
Prints simple letters
Ties shoes

Five to Six Years

Motor Ability:
I can ride my bike without training wheels.
I can write the letters of the alphabet.
I finally can tie my own shoes.
I like to run and jump.  I like playing on the monkey bars. 
I like making necklaces with beads.


Early Childhood

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