Literature-Based Lesson Plan |
Curious George
Goes to the Hospital, by Margret and H. A. Rey, Scholastic Book
Services, 1968 |
Readers learn all
about the hospital as George goes in for an operation to remove a puzzle
piece he has eaten.
The Reys created this
book at the request of the Boston Children's Hospitals. The book was
difficult to write, but it has reduced the fears of many children going to
the hospital for the first time. |
To understand that
hospitals are not scary
To gain an appreciation of the value that literature
has in society today
To use Curious George to
motivate the students to learn in all subject areas
NCTM/IRA Standards:
5. Students employ a wide range of strategies as they write and use
different writing process elements appropriately to communicate with
different audiences for a variety of purposes.
8. Students use a variety of technological and information resources
(e.g., libraries, databases, computer networks, video) to gather and
synthesize information and to create and communicate knowledge.
9.Students develop an understanding of and respect for diversity in
language use, patterns, and dialects across cultures, ethnic groups,
geographic regions, and social roles.
12.Students use spoken, written, and visual language to accomplish their
own purposes (e.g., for learning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange
of information).
Contemporary Issues:
- Preparing for going
to the hospital is essential
- Learning is important
- Being curious is
good, but sometimes leads to trouble

Classroom Activities:
- Listening and
In the book, George entertains the children in the play
room with a puppet show. Have the students create their own skit and act
it out. Make sure the use correct grammar and allow each other to take
turns speaking.
DECA Speaking Standards
5. recognize and use correct grammar when speaking.
6. follow simple rules for conversations: (example:
taking turns, listening)
7. use complete sentences when speaking.
DECA Fine Art Standard One
Benchmark 1. Understand that art tells stories,
expresses moods, or conveys ideas.
- Reading
Using the main character from the book, refresh the
students memory of the alphabet with the book Curious George's ABCs.
Refresh the children's memory about upper and lowercase letters.
Distribute the Curious George Learns the Alphabet Word Game Worksheet
and read all the text out loud. Play a game of Curious Georges Upper and
Lower Case Concentration Game.
Curious George Learns the Alphabet Word Game
DECA Reading Standard
1. name all upper and lower case letters and identify
the representative sounds.
- Writing:
After discussing the story and how Curious George seems
to get into mischief, have the students write their own stories about
the mischievous little monkey. Distribute the My Own Curious George
Story Worksheet and read the directions out loud.
Discuss acrostic poems and have them write a poem about
their own name after seeing the Curious George example. Distribute
Curious George Acrostic Poem Worksheet, read the directions and the text
out loud.
Curious George Acrostic Poem Worksheet
My Curious George Story Worksheet
DECA Writing
1. name all upper and lower case letters and identify the representative
5. use pictures, illustrations, and personal knowledge
to make and confirm predictions about stories.
8. identify the role of both the author and
13. identify the characteristics of a variety of simple
genres. (example: fairy tales, poems)
- Social Studies:
Since the whole book is about Curious George going to the hospital, have
the group create a map showing the way from the school to the hospital.
Be sure to mention things on a map such as roads, schools, parks.
Sticking with the Curious George theme, read Curious
George's Opposites. Discuss opposites as it relates to the size and
location of people, places, and things. Dispute the Curious George's
Opposite Worksheet. Read the direction and the text out loud and then
allow time for the students to complete.
Curious George's Opposite Worksheet
DECA Geography
1. compare and contrast the relative size and location of people,
places, and things by identifying here/there, near/far, up/down,
left/right, and behind/in front.
2. use a map and map symbols to recognize directions,
continents, and poles.
3. use map symbols to recognize land, water, roads, and
- Science:
In the book, George has to have a operation to remove
the puzzle piece he swallowed. Have the children play the game of
Operation after discussing what each parts which they are taking out.
Since Curious George is a monkey, Have the students
read nonfiction picture books about monkeys. Then discuss what they
learned and create a class list of how monkeys and humans are similar
and different.
If time allows and there is a hospital near by, take a
trip to the hospital. After returning, have the students make a list of
community health helpers.
DECA Health Education Standard
1. Indicator 2, Bench Mark A. identify major body parts
and related functions (e.g., heart—pumping blood)
1. Indicator 3, Bench Mark A.
list various community health and safety helpers, e.g., nurse, police,
firefighter, doctor, dentist.
DECA Life Science Standards
2. describe the basic needs of living organisms.
3. recognize similarities and differences in diverse
- Mathematics:
In the book the man in the yellow hat buys a jigsaw
puzzle. Puzzles are made up of different patterns and
shapes. Discuss different shapes and patterns. Have the students
complete Curious George Preschool Learning Games Puzzler Game. Once this
activity is completed, distribute A Puzzle for Curious George worksheet.
Read the directions aloud and have the students complete the worksheet.
Distribute the Curious George Addition and Subtraction
Worksheet with the answers filled in to the problems. Discus the + and
the - sign. Have the students complete the last part of the worksheet.
Curious Georges Addition and Subtraction Worksheet:
DECA Math Standards
Geometry Standard
1. identify and draw
plane geometric figures. (example: square, rectangle, circle, triangle)
5. explore various
geometic patterns.
Algebra Standard
4. recognize and explain
+ and - symbols.
- Art/Music
Curious George is a monkey, and one of his favorite
songs is the Ten Little Monkeys. Have the students sing the Ten Little
Monkey song. The lyrics can be found on the Curious George Website.
Curious George's
Favorite Song Ten Little Monkeys:
DECA Fine Arts Music
Standard 1
Bench Mark A. sing and match a simple melodic pattern
in their vocal range.
Bench Mark D. use their voices expressively as they
speak, chant, and sing.
DECA Speaking Standards
3. participate in choral speaking and recite short
poems, rhymes, songs, and stories with repeated patterns.
- Special
Party for Curious George, Have the students color invitations for the
Curious George Maze
Curious George Banana Bread
Book Report
Something from Something Word Builder
Read and
then Compare and Contrast the two authors single books
Literature Links
Other Curious George
Books by Margret & H.A. Rey
Curious George
Curious George Flies a Kite

Curious George Rides a Bike
Curious George Learns the Alphabet
Curious George and the Bunny
Curious George Opposites
Curious George Are You Curious?
Curious George ABCs
Curious George and the Rocket
Curious George Goes Fishing
Curious George 1 to 10 and Back Again
Curious George Rides
Curious George Goes to a Chocolate Factory
Curious George and the Puppies
Curious George Goes to the Movie
Curious George in the Snow
Curious George Makes Pancakes
Curious George Feeds the Animals
Curious George Hot Air Balloon
Curious George Dreams
Curious George at the Parade
Curious George Goes to the Beach
Curious George Visits the Zoo
Curious George At the Fire Station
Curious George Plays Baseball
Curious George and the Pizza
Curious George and the Dinosaur
Curious George Goes to an Ice Cream Shop
Curious George Goes to School
Curious George Goes to a Costume Party
Curious George in the Big City
Other Books
By by Margret
Pretzel (Author)
Other Books by or Illistrated by H.A. Rey
Any One Home
Cecily G. and the 9 Monkeys
The Stars
The Constellations
Katy No-Pockets (illustrator)
Pretzel (illustrator)
How Do You Get There
Feed the Animals
Monkey Books
The Chimpanzees I Love: Saving Their World and Ours,
by Jane Goodall
The Chimpanzee Family Book (The Animal Family
Series), by Jane Goodall, Michael Neugebauer (Photographer), Lessie J.
Ten Little Monkeys, Dalmatian Press; Board
edition (May 2002)
Hospital Books
Going to the Hospital (Rogers, Fred. First
Experiences.), by Fred Rogers, Jim Judkis (Photographer), Jim Judkins
Going to the Hospital (Usborne First Experiences),
by Anne Civardi, Michelle Bates (Editor), Stephen Cartwright
(Illustrator), Anne Cavardi
Internet Sites:
Curious George Official Web Site:
Curious George 4 All
Taylor Collection featuring Curious George
Curious George WebRing
Todd's Curious George Galore
Dakota Content Standards
Curious George Awards:
Curious George
Best Picture Book by the Children's Choice Award held by School
Library Journal, 1987
Notable book by the American Library Association, 1987
Curious George Takes a Job
Lewis Carrol Shelf Award, 1960
Curious George Goes to the Hospital
Children's book award, Child Study Association of America, 1966