Development Rate
Jennifer's Development
Rate |
Two to Three
Says words, phrase,
and simple sentences
272 words
Understand simple directions
Identifies simple pictures
Likes to look at books
Short attention span
Avoids simple hazards
Two to Three
I liked to talk so
phrases and sentences come easily for me.
I understood directions.
Books are great and I had lots because Mom and Dad are teachers.
I loved working with my wooden puzzles.
I could point to colors when asked.
I knew all my animal sounds.
I could show you how old I am with fingers.
Three to Four
Says short sentences
896 words
Large growth in communication
Tells simple stories
Wants to understand environment
Answers questions when asked
Good Imagination
Can recite a few nursery rhymes
Three to Four
I still continued to
like to talk. My vocabulary was growing.
I liked to tell lots of stories and hear myself talk.
I had a very active imagination.
I could "read" Mom a story from my books.
I really liked to ask "WHY" all the time.
Four to Five
Uses complete
1540 words
Asks lots of questions
Learns to generalize
Can draw and recognize simple objects
Four to Five
I was very good at
I got to go to preschool when I am five years old.
I could write my name and I am working on other letters.
I knew my colors and shapes.
I still liked to play school because my Mom was the kindergarten
Five to Six
2072 words
Tells long stories
Can follow directions really well
Can read own name
Can count to 10
Asks for meanings for words
Beginning to understand lying
Interested in their surroundings and environment
Five to Six
I completed
preschool and like to be teacher's helper.
I had to work on following directions when I didn't want to.
I could write all my letters.
I could count and write to 10.
I got to go to kindergarten when I was six.