Play a
key role in success in the relationships between families and
Mutual Respect between a student's family and the professional is
critical to furthering the student's education. Respect allows
both families and professionals to work toward the best
interests of the student. I believe the website
for Parents with Students with Special Needs that I created
helps foster positive communication for parents.
This website contains several links the provide information about
services that are available to the whole family. It also
contains sites which help parents to better communicate with
professionals. I feel parents need other parents in the same
situation as them. For this reason, I have also included links
that assist parents to communicate with other parents.
The links on the Resource page provides valuable information,
support, answers to questions, and other various services that
are available.

Parent Links
Parents Communicate Better With Schools
Another Article about Helping Parents Communicate Better With
Resources for Parents with Students with Special Needs (A Good
Resource for ALL parents)