Puberty  Development 

Puberty is defined as a period of rapid growth and sexual change that occurs in early adolescence and produces a person of adult size shape, and sexual potential.

Normal development rates are an approximate average age and actual age can very as much as three years.

Normal Development Rate

Jennifer's  Development Rate




Testes increase production of testosterone 10 Ovaries increase production of estrogen and progesterone 9 Age 9 3rd Grade
Testes and scrotum grow larger 11 Uterus and vagina begin to grow larger 9.5 Age 9 3rd Grade
Pubic hair begins to appear 12 Breast "bud" stage 10 Age 9 3rd grade
Penis growth begins 12.5 Pubic hair begins to appear 11 Age 11 5th grade
Spermarche (first ejaculation) 13 Weight spurt begins 11.5 Age 9 3rd grade
Weight spurt begins 13 Peak height spurt 12 Age 12 6th grade
Peak height spurt 14 Menarche (first menstrual period) 12.5 Age 11 5th grade
Peak muscle and organ growth (also, shoulders become noticeable broader) 14.5 Peak muscle and organ growth (also, hips become noticeably wider) 12.5 Age 12 6th grade
Voice lowers 15 First ovulation 13.5 Age 11 5th grade
Readily visible facial hair 16 Final pubic-hair pattern 15 Age 13 7th grade
Final Pubic-hair pattern 18 Full breast growth 16 Age 16 10th grade


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